"All things are connected, like the blood that unites a family. Whatever happens to the earth also happens to the children of the earth. It was not man who weaved the web of life, he is only a thread. Whatever he does to the canvas he does to himself"

Roe Deer Lame Chief Dwamish

Nature in all its manifestations is the repository of powers that ancient populations knew how to recognize and interpret; very often the natural elements were revered and considered divine. Every living being interacts with the environment through energy codes that tend to the condition of equilibrium; any intervention that does not respect this balance causes a breakdown of homeostasis which inevitably falls on all organisms. Modern civilization dragged by the impetus of new knowledge and conquests has neglected the knowledge of ancient memories and today they are nothing more than the legacy of a distant past.

Nature as a whole is none other than the first most important pharmacopoeia known since ancient times and in particular some mushrooms have been used for centuries as natural remedies in traditional medicines. Since the 1960s, research institutes in Japan have been interested in the properties of some species and have begun to study them to verify if the empirical values ​​could have a scientific basis. Subsequent studies, more and more numerous and conducted all over the world, have verified that numerous compounds with beneficial properties are contained in some fungal species.

Medicinal mushrooms favor a general rebalancing of the organism, improving its functioning without causing side effects and for these reasons they are defined adaptogens. They have a non-specific action independent of the state of health with a slow and progressive effect. The targeted combination of several mushrooms often produces a greater beneficial effect thanks to the synergistic action of the various active compounds. All medicinal mushrooms have the more or less marked property of modulating the immune system often altered by multiple stresses that reduce the functionality of the organism and that can cause states of chronic inflammation with the possible onset of degenerative diseases. The daily intake of the mushroom associated with proper nutrition and a balanced lifestyle, promotes the recovery or maintenance of homeostasis, brings vitality, tones the organic functionality and protects cellular metabolism. It is also recommended to take the mushroom in association with vitamin C to favor its assimilation.