Who we are?

The Costa Dorothea farm is located in Genoa on the steep slopes of S. Ilario between “creuxe” and terraced strips where centuries-old olive trees live. We have been linked to this strip of Liguria for generations and for many generations this territory has represented a great resource for the sustenance of the family. We have inherited that heritage of knowledge and use of the fruits that our land spontaneously gives and we felt it our duty to transcribe it and convert it into an activity that is recognized and made available to all those who believe in the potential of natural remedies.

Our work is aimed at obtaining a valuable product through new cultivation techniques that respect the natural cycle of the fungus in order to guarantee a quality similar if not superior to that of spontaneous mushrooms. The choice of the substrate and the precise control of the growth parameters for each individual species are aimed at obtaining medicinal mushrooms with a high concentration of active ingredients.

We are aware of how important it is to obtain a high quality food in order to meet the needs and expectations of those who use natural remedies. Our commitment and our responsibility are the energy that every day renews the need and the will to contribute to improving the quality of life of those who, like us, believe and want to take part in that wonderful process that is life.


!Our Strengths are:

Innovative cultivation methods with the best equipment and careful selection of new cultivation strains.

100% made in Italy : all species are grown in our company with the certification that our product is: ORGANIC, GMO-FREE and GLUTEN-FREE.

Control of all stages of product transformation to ensure the highest quality.

Scrupulous study of the cultural parameters of each species in compliance with the growth conditions of the spontaneous fungus

The philosophy of our business involves the conscious use of resources and the use of renewable energy.

We make our skills available to suggest the best product.

Our commitment and our responsibility are the energy that every day renews the need and the will to contribute to improving the quality of life of those who, like us, believe and want to take part in that wonderful process that is life.